
Leadership Metro Richmond grows leaders who care about the Richmond, VA regional area. Our Workforce Development team saw a need to assist with fixing the workforce hiring crisis in our area and sought the advice of young people.

Our goals are to get you READY FOR WORK IN RVA. Find everything you need to prepare you for your first/next job in RVA!

Young People Speak Event

Ready to Work RVA…

We want to see our region grow in the area of workforce development. We know the future is in our youth so we challenged ourselves to figure out what’s keeping our young people from finding and keeping sustainable employment in the RVA region.

What better way to find out than to ask young people? We threw tradition out the window and collaborated with young people (bloopers included) to figure out how we solve our region’s workforce crisis.

Class of 2023 Leadership Metro Richmond
Workforce Development Team

Young People Speak Event


Participant Ages


Young People Attended


LMR Participants


of Fun, Learning & Conversation

What Our Young People Have to Say

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